An atmospheric vehicle adventure that follows the emotional journey of a boy and his ship as he embarks on a voyage to find a new home. Sail stormy waters, dive unknown depths, and explore forgotten ruins in a beautifully realised, flooded world.
Steam, Epic, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo Switch
Vehicle Adventure
Don Schmocker, Goran Saric, Martina Hugentobler, Philipp Stern, Fabio Baumgartner, Tim Bürge, Teodora Dimova, Michael Müller, Joel Schoch
Concept-Allrounder, Tech-Lead / Programming, Porting
FAR: Lone Sails is a vehicle adventure game. In a unique vehicle you travel across a dried-out ocean following the tracks of a once thriving civilization. Through an array of roadblocks and through hazardous weather you need to keep your vessel going. Where will this journey take you? Are you the last of your kind?
Steam, Epic, GoG, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo Switch, iOS & Android
Vehicle Adventure
Don Schmocker, Goran Saric, Martina Hugentobler, Philipp Stern, Fabio Baumgartner, Joel Schoch
Concept-Allrounder, Tech-Lead / Programming, Producer, Porting
Because a little panda didn’t share his last piece of bamboo, his girlfriend got super upset and literally exploded with rage. The explosion catapulted her out of earth's gravity and she has been lost in space ever since. Equipped with a rocket and a magnet, the panda tries to find her in outer space by using gravitation forces wisely to maneuver through galaxies.
Android & iOS (not released)
Orbital Platformer
Goran Saric
DUR is an adventure about a rusty iron sheet that is able to lift the whole environment with its violin in a surreal city threatened by a sea of fog.
PC & Mac
Goran Saric, Don Schmocker
Concept, Mechanic, Programming, Asset & Animation Integration, Level Design, Second Character, Sound Implementation
Rainy Cat Fight is a multiplayer game build for the Oculus Rift. Two cats fight in a never ending fall with rapiers and umbrellas against each other. To control the rapiers, the players have to use their mobile phones with a special app on it. Feedback from the game is provided through the phone as well, such as sword sounds and vibration of collisions.
PC & Mac
Goran Saric, Christian Schmidhalter, Melanie Vetterli
Concept, Mechanic, Programming, Interfaces, Network, Asset & Animation Integration
The Good, The Bad & The Beauty is a multiplayer browser adventure about travels and treasures during the roaring 20's. You follow one of three characters on a multilinear journey against other players. Each character has its own story, goals and abilities.
Fabian Brunner, Goran Saric, Marco Schmid, Don Schmocker
Mechanic, Programming, Network & Webserver